In this guide, we'll go through the necessary steps needed to finish your Learning Genie and DRDP Online integration setup.
First log in to your DRDP Online account.
Ensure you are the Lead Agency Administrator by clicking "User Profile" in the top right corner. (You need this level of access for the view selection and rating period confirmation steps)
To set Learning Genie as a vendor:
Go to Agencies under Setup Menu, click on Search, and then click the pencil icon to the right.
Once you fill in any required* fields like your address and zip code, click the "Vendors" drop-down menu and select Learning Genie. To save your changes, click on the "Save" button.
To confirm your Rating Periods:
Go to Rating Periods under Setup Menu, and confirm the date ranges for your assessments are correct. If you need to edit, click on the pencil icon to the right.
To set your Rating Views:
Go to Rating View Setup under Setup Menu, and select the view for each age group.
Note: when you click on "Save and Lock" you will not be able to edit the options afterward.
Here, you are done setting up in DRDP Online. Now log in to your Learning Genie account.
Go to Admin Settings > Assessment Settings > DRDP Setting.
1. On DRDP Online Setting select Upload and choose the assessments you'll be uploading.
2. On Lock and Upload Permission Setting, select if teachers OR admins will be the ones locking.
3. On DRDP Online Export Setting, match the views you have in DRDP Online.
4. On Sync with DRDP Online via API
A. Ensure your agency's name is spelled the same (it is letter case and space sensitive) in Learning Genie and DRDP Online. If it's not, copy and paste the name of DRDP Online into Learning Genie.
B. Select the sites you want to upload.
Note: If a site name on Learning Genie does not match a site in your DRDP Online, copy and paste the site name it's equivalent to on DRDP Online in the "Site Name Alias" field.
C. Verify that the DRDP Instruments (views) match in Learning Genie and DRDP Online, and confirm by ticking the check box.
Before proceeding to the next step, make sure you have set up the rating periods for the current school year in DRDP Online.
If you get stuck at any point in the setup please contact us at (760)-576-4822 or You can also book a one-on-one meeting with us at this link.