NOTE: The Learning Genie support team will have to be contacted by the Grantee Agency to enable delegates this ability to share.
It is very easy to batch-add the grantee attribute on the Learning Genie web portal to share your children with your grantee! Here's how:
1. Log in to the Learning Genie web portal. (
2. Click on the gear icon to go to "Admin Setting".
3. Click on "Manage Children".
4. On the upper right side, click on "All Sites" and "All Classes" to filter down to a specific site and/or room.
5. Click on the box at the top-left-hand corner next to "First Name" to select ALL children listed on the current page. Or select specific children to batch add the attributes to by clicking on the box next to the children's names.
IF attempting to "Batch Add Attribute" to ALL your children in a center:
- Please make sure you use the site filter
- Then click on the box at the top-left-hand corner next to "First Name"
- Then click "Select all (n) children". If not, it will only tag the first page which typically only has 10 selected at a time. You can view up to "50" children at a time.
6. Click "Batch Add Attribute" and select Grantee Agency. (If your grantee agency is not appearing, please contact Learning Genie to help set up)
Please reach out to us if you have additional questions!
(760) 576-4822