You can view all abnormal health cards for all children at a site. Here’s how:
1. Select the bell icon in the upper right corner to get to “Attendance Notification”
2. Select the name of the child to view the health card
Please note: You will only get a notification that pops up as a banner if the health card indicates the child will be coming on-site. However, both the on and off-site abnormal cards will be dated and placed in attendance notifications.
Web Portal
1. Log in to Learning Genie, and select "Attendance/DHC" > "Health Card Stats" to have an overview of children’s health status.
2. Click on "Health Card Abnormal". You can view all abnormal health cards for all children.
Note: click the “Add Notes” button to set the child to “In-Quarantine” status.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions!