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[Please Read Before Uploading Manually]
Learning Genie has partnered with the WestEd DRDPonline team on direct uploading of DRDP scores into DRDPonline through API (no more manual upload).
You will get your DRDP Reports directly from Learning Genie under Data Hub immediately after you complete the assessment and lock the data in Learning Genie. You don't need to go to DRDPOnline to pull reports.
To set up a Zoom meeting with one of our agents(for DRDP Automatic Upload setup), please contact help@learning-genie.com.
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It is easy to export data from Learning Genie and upload it to DRDPonline! Here's how:
1. Check names and export settings for consistency with DRDP Online.
- Make sure the names and letter case in Learning Genie match identically with DRDP Online if your data already exists in their program. This applies to the Agency Name and Site Name.
- Keep in mind that you cannot use special characters on Agency name. This includes apostrophes and parentheses.
- Set Learning Genie’s Export Settings to match the exact framework settings on DRDP Online for each class. (For example, Essential, Fundamental, Comprehensive, etc.)
- Note that children with IEPs cannot be rated with Essential
2. Check the child's information for completion.
- On an Edit Child page: Click the “Additional Information” tab to add/update the required fields (anything marked with a red asterisk) for your DRDP reports.
3. From the Assessment Progress Dashboard (under Data Hub) click on Generate Rating Excel File.
4. Select which Alias, Framework, Center, and Class to generate.
5. Review any missing attributes and information prior to downloading the files by clicking on "Pre-download Check".
6. After confirming that everything is complete, you may start downloading the Users Info, Classroom Info, & Child DRDP Rating in DRDP Online Format, one by one.
- Each time you select Download for any of the files, you will be taken back to the Download Dashboard. From there, the file will be generated, and once it's ready, an option to download will appear.
- For Child DRDP Rating, make sure to tick the "Only Completed Children's Record" box and select "Download DRDP Online format".
7. Log into your DRDPonline account to upload the data.
For further assistance, you can contact our Learning-Genie Helpdesk.