With the new Weekly Planning feature in Learning Genie, you're now able to:
- Create agency-wide and class-level weekly planners and download the digital versions.
- Incorporate age-appropriate and developmentally-aligned lesson plan activities from our extensive Lesson Library, or use your own lesson content with links.
- Plan group and individualized lessons linked to assessment and child development insights.
- Reflectively plan weekly and individual lessons to effectively implement designed lesson plans for the upcoming week.
Creating a Weekly Planner
1. To create a weekly planner, go to Reflective Planning > Weekly Planning, and click the “Create” button to begin your journey.
If you have utilized this feature, simply locate the "Create" button in the upper-right corner of the page.
Then, choose the type of planner you wish to create: either a planner exemplar for the entire agency or a planner for a specific class.
2. Fill in the required information.
2.1 For the entire agency:
- Select the assessment framework on which your planner exemplar is based in this field (1)
- Type in the theme for your planner exemplar (2)
- Type in your goals for the week (3)
2.2 For a specific class:
- Select the site and class you'll be creating the planner for in this field (1)
- Select the week (2) and date (3) for the planner
- Type in the theme for your planner (4)
- Type in your goals for the week (5)
3. On the cells, you may choose to (1) type your activity, (2) search pre-made lessons from the lesson library, (3) add third-party lessons with links, or (4) create a new lesson from scratch.
3.1 Type in your activity/lesson by clicking on the "Add Activity" field.
3.2 Search pre-made lesson plans from the lesson library by clicking on "Search Lesson Library".
- You may choose from public lessons, agency-wide lessons, your own creations, and your favorite lessons.
- You can search by lesson name, domain, or theme by typing on the search bar.
- You can also preview a lesson before selecting it.
3.3 Add your own lesson content with links by clicking "Add Third-party Lesson". Name your lesson activity, then type/paste a link to integrate your content seamlessly.
3.4 Create a new lesson from scratch by clicking "Create a New Lesson". This allows you to quickly create a lesson without exiting your planner.
4. Once you select a lesson, the corresponding measures will be automatically populated in the field. However, if you have manually typed in an activity or added a third-party lesson, you will need to manually select the measures as well.
5. Select the students who will participate in the activity. Just hover your cursor over the lesson you added to reveal the options and click on "Add Children".
6. Once you've finished creating your planner exemplar or planner, click on the "Submit" button to make your planner exemplar accessible to everyone in your agency or to submit your planner for a specific class. If you are still working on it and want to complete it later, click on "Save as Draft".
What can you do with a weekly planner?
- The system automatically generates an observation note draft for each lesson in the weekly planner.
- To view the observation drafts, go to “Portfolio”, then click the “Past Incompleted Draft” tab.
- You can add an observation note as needed.
- You can customize weekly planners based on the classroom data in the sidebar.
In the past, you could only view your classroom data under “Child Development Insights”. Now, you can access these data while creating a weekly planner, which is more convenient.
- You can download a copy of your weekly planner.
Click on the Print/Download button to download your weekly planner.
- You can view a history of all the weekly planners you have created under the "Weekly Planners Management" tab.
If you have any questions, you can contact our Learning-Genie Helpdesk.