To have the full Learning Genie experience, please make sure that you are up to date on the app.
Here is a step by step on how to update on an Android device.
1. Locate your Play Store
2. Click the three little lines on the left-hand corner
3. Click "My apps & games"
4. Find the "Update" on the right-hand side that correlates to the "Learning Genie for Educator" app
5. By clicking on the text "Learning Genie for Educator," you can see the details about the app.
Side note: You will be able to see the version of the app under "What's new"
6. When the update is complete, click the green "Open"
Here is a step by step guide on how to update on an iOS device:
1. Locate your "App store"
2. Search for "Learning Genie" in the search bar
3. Click on "UPDATE"
4. Find the "Update" on the right-hand side that correlates to the "Learning Genie for Educator" app
5. By clicking on the text "Learning Genie for Educator," you can see the details about the app.
Side note: You will be able to see the version of the app under "What's new"
6. When the update is complete, click the blue "OPEN"
To have your app auto-update, please check out our step by step PDF below.